Luca Rutherford’s Political Party
Have you ever felt confused or overwhelmed by politics?
Have you ever thought that the only way to make a difference is to change everything?
Have you ever wondered what stops you from doing something?
This is a show about how we do politics instead of talking about it.
Luca reached a point where thinking about politics made her want to lie down on the pavement and not get up. Instead of doing this she is throwing a party. A political party. There will be music, dancing and eggs! No know-it-alls. No big words. You are invited!

What people said about it...
“Perfect! Very clever. Pure comedy gold.”
— Audience member
“The atmosphere Luca created was electric and made you feel so at ease as an audience member. Very very funny!”
— Audience member
“We feel like a We. The show bleeds out of the space that my conception of a show has traced out over time. Reflecting. Kindness at the centre. Baring uncertainties at the core. This whole experience feels like a pause in order to start again. It feels exactly like what I need right now. Packed with ideas made crystal clear that could be dizzying in less safe hands. She delicately unwraps distilled feelings and holds them out for us to peer inside.”
— Naomi Obeng Exeunt Magazine
Co-commissioned by ARC Stockton, Northern Stage, Camden People’s Theatre, The Albany & Unity Theatre.
Photography by Camilla Greenwell
Luca Rutherford’s Political Party toured in 2018 and 2019. It was performed online at Settle Stories’s digital Yorkshire Festival of Theatre in 2020. This show is sitting in the cupboard waiting to come out again when it gets an invite.